To the tune of "Arthur Fhardy's Yodeling Party" by Swirling Eddies
My name is Arthur Fhardy
I never go to parties
I just sit on my ar-ty
And let out a little fart-y
My name is Camarillo
I used to wear a Speedo
But everyone would flee-o
Guess I'll wear a tuxedo
My name is Spot
They all think I'm on pot
I try to say I'm not
But look how high I got
My name is Berger Roy Al
Wrapped in alu'num foy-al
I didn't come char-broy-alled
Despite what you've been toy-alled
-- Joanna Ruth Wirtz, except for Berger's verse
by D. J. Sanders (
This song is incomplete... who knows when it'll be finished... who really cares anyway?